My name is Tony. I'm a married father of two, and an avid internet junkie. This is my soapbox where I post all the bullshit that accumulates in the the murky, often shallow depths of my mind. I also like to steal posts from other blogs that i frequent, like Gawker Media blogs such as Gizmodo and Lifehacker, or other blogs like Geekologie, IWatchStuff, TheSuperficial and 27Bslash6. I also like to go on about projects that I'm working on like my business website, other websites I'm working on or photoshop and photography projects I'm assembling. I might also just stoop to copy/pasting retarded shit that I've found around the interwebz.
I know that I've made a blog post about this already but I feel it deserves to be mentioned in this About page. The name of this blog is not misspelled. I know that the legitimate spelling would be Bloggertronic, with two Gs, but there is a reason that i use only one. I used to run a forum site called Bargertronic, a name devised from my last name, and Blogertronic was going to be a branch of that site. Unfortunately Bargertronic is closed indefinitely. For the full story, visit the blog entry HERE.
I guess that's all I've got for the About me page for now. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I do writing it. Do me a favor if you end up surfing around and reading my blog and be active in the comments. Thanks!